Labour plans to target Sunak regarding dirty dozen

Labour plans to target embattled Sunak regarding ‘dirty dozen’ Tory candidates

Labour plans to target Sunak regarding dirty dozen

Labour are seeking to maximise Rishi Sunak’s discomfort over allegations about Tory candidates with a new ‘dirty dozen’ social media campaign.

Labour is set to launch a new social media campaign aimed at Rishi Sunak’s judgement by ramping up pressure for him to suspend 12 candidates caught up in different controversies, including the betting scandal.

The new campaign will feature an unnamed cabinet minister who allegedly put a bet on the election date and 11 named Tory candidates involved in a range of issues highlighted in the campaign.

With Labour more than 20 points ahead in most polls currently, they want to go for the jugular over Mr Sunak’s decision not to suspend candidates from the party.

Shadow paymaster general Jonathan Ashworth described the prime minister as “weak” for not being able to take a firm stance. The other 11 so-called “dirty dozen” include:

Craig Williams, the parliamentary private secretary to Mr. Sunak, is standing in Montgomeryshire. Laura Saunders, wife of campaign director Tony Lee, has been a Tory employee since 2015. She runs for office in Bristol North West. Due to their bets on election day just prior to the announcement, the Gambling Commission is investigating both of them.Labour plans to target Sunak regarding a dirty dozen

Ms. Saunders has yet to reply.

Mr. Williams acknowledged, “I definitely made a major mistake in judgment. I regret.”

Mr. Sunak conveyed how furious he was about the scandal. The investigation prevented him from suspending those suspected from the Tories.

Marco Longhi, Dudley North’s Labour Party opponent, is accused of inciting ethnic tensions after she wrote a letter to “voters of the British Pakistani/Kashmiri community” in which she asked “who would speak up for Kashmir” and bolded, underlined, and capitalized her common Indian surname. Labor plans to target Sunak regarding the dirty dozen.

Rishi Sunak is under pressure in the closing stages of the campaign
Rishi Sunak is under pressure in the closing stages of the campaign (AP)

Mr. Longhi denied stoking ethnic tensions.

He stated, “I don’t know what her ethnicity or religious background is. I am not trying to spark division. I will always stand up for abuses of human rights wherever they take place.” Or: Mr. Longhi denied stoking ethnic tensions. He declared, “I don’t know what her ethnicity or religious background is. I am not trying to divide people. I will always speak out against human rights abuses, no matter where they occur.”Labour plans to target Sunak regarding dirty dozen

Stephen James, Dover, and Deal, accused of using AI to produce an anti-Semitic cartoon depicting men with hooked noses at the white cliffs of Dover carrying bags of “false hopes,” then used it in a now-deleted social media post attacking so-called “carpetbaggers” standing in the seat.

Mr. James has expressed his regret.The picture shows an assortment of well-known cartoons from the past that Thomas Nast and Gerald Scarfe created.

He said: “As someone who has written for the Times of Israel on antisemitism, I am acutely aware of the importance of vigilance against such instances. AI has safeguards to prevent the creation of offensive images, but on this occasion, it fell short and I shall be extra vigilant going forward. I apologise wholeheartedly for any offence caused by this image.”Labour plans to target Sunak regarding dirty dozen

Rose Hulse (centre) is one of the candidates being scrutnised

Friends of Israel.

Rose Hulse, standing against Jewish Labour candidate Damien Egan in Bristol North East, liked posts on social media that identified him as a “friend of Israel.” A fresh allegation has surfaced against Keir Starmer, implying he may have been deceived on the issue. The importance of anti-Semitism was in question.

Ms. Hulse told The Independent: “The tweet was clicked in error.” She later realized her mistake and “immediately deselected the tweet.” Ms. Hulse apologised for “any offence caused.”

Photographed during Bible center launch in Wales, Darren Millar, prominent figure in Clwyd North, was seen bending before purportedly Islamophobic hate preacher. His connections to another pastor who has faced allegations of homophobia have come to light.

Mr. Millar told the BBC that he did not endorse the views of the pastors. It is unjustifiable to treat individuals unfairly due to their sexual orientation or religious beliefs.

Lee Roberts, from Putney, described London Mayor Sadiq Khan. He called Khan a “sniveling little drip.” According to Roberts, Khan had done more damage to the capital than the Luftwaffe.

After the recording came to light, Mr Roberts said: “I would like to apologise for my comments.The goal behind the words was not to offend.Labour plans to target Sunak regarding dirty dozen

Shadow paymaster general Jonathan Ashworth says Sunak is “weak” (Victoria Jones/PA)
Shadow paymaster general Jonathan Ashworth says Sunak is “weak.” (Victoria Jones/PA) (PA Wire)

Date rape drug Rohypnol

Oliver Johnstone from Stockport has made a joke about using the date rape drug Rohypnol. He joked about drugging women with Rohypnol in order to have sex.

Mr. Johnstone made the comments a number of years ago. He now wholeheartedly apologizes for those comments.

Alex Deane, representing Finchley and Golder Green, defended Boris Johnson.The query that was cited was, “How do know my advances are unwanted?” It was their question.They used the phrase “Until I’ve made them” to support their position.

Mr Deane has pointed out that he was quoting the late Tory MP Alan Clarke from his diaries and his full quote was about the presumption of innocence in British law when his fellow guest on Sky News at the time had said she believed Johnson to be guilty.

Nineteen years ago, Will Goodhand was a contestant on a dating show. He shared his expertise in massage techniques during the show. While filming, he asked a retail assistant for her bra size.

Mr Goodhand said: “This was a dating show of its time. It’s not something that I would do or take part in now.”Labour plans to target Sunak regarding dirty dozen

Ashley Fox is under scrutiny for supposedly misleading MPs.

Ashley Fox, a Bridgwater resident, is accused of misleading MPs. Congressmen carefully considered his nomination to head the Independent Monitoring Authority. It is alleged that during the screening process, Fox was misled about his political objectives.

In the event of his appointment, he informed the justice select committee that he would not seek public office. Labor wants to pursue Sunak over the “dirty dozen.”

Fox has resigned from the IMA, although he is pleased with his nomination as the Conservative candidate for Bridgwater. I am looking forward to the election on July 4.

Mr. Ashworth made the following statement regarding Labour: “This week, Labour suspended candidate for our party who was the subject of serious allegations; however, Rishi Sunak has not taken any action against the ‘dirty dozen’ Tory candidates who are accused of range of offenses, from flagrant corruption to dog-whistle racism.

“This is not just about Rishi Sunak’s weak leadership; it is about his basic lack of backbone and principle. Keir Starmer would have moved quickly to clear Labour candidate accused of comparable crime. He would not have given them a chance to remain in the party before their feet could touch the ground.


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